Come and join us at the International Focusing Institute’s week long certification program in Punto de Tralca, Chile January 13 – 18, 2019.

I’ll be giving a series of five Bioenergetics and Feldenkrais group classes. The workshop will combine body and voice based practices in which we will explore different ways to connect with ourselves and others.

  • Day 1: Expanding your chest, opening your heart
  • Day 2: Grounding your energy and tuning-in to the sounds
  • Day 3: Listening to your eyes
  • Day 4: Life awakening on the seashore
  • Day 5: Sitting light and easy


Belonging and Crossing in Community: Advanced & Certification Focusing Weeklong 2019

January 13-18, 2019

La Casa de Ejercicios (Retreat House), Punta de Tralca, Chile


You can find out more about the body and voice workshop by visiting the International Focusing Institute website.


For more body, voice and focusing lessons online you can join me here.

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